Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Season of Change

Looking out the window at the vibrant leaves, I can't help but reflect upon the changes our family has endured this season.  We began this homeschool adventure in a last-stitch effort to "rescue" our eldest daughter from the trauma she was experiencing in the public school system.  She suffered at the hands of bullies who were never punished.  She had overwhelming anxiety that led to full-blown panic attacks.  She had begun acting out in a manner completely uncharacteristic of her personality, simply because she had lost all concept of feeling safe.

Fast forward to now...just 2 months after we "officially" began homeschooling...and I see a changed little girl in I.  She has a sense of calm about her that has been missing for several years.  She is more cooperative.  She has a confidence in her that we have NEVER before seen!  She's full of life and HOPE again.  THANK YOU JESUS!!!

M's adjustment hasn't been quite as profound, but she's loving the fact that she can get her curriculum work done before lunch and have the rest of the day for fun activities.  She has a stubborn streak in her that we're working to break, but overall the switch to home education has been a positive one for her as well.

I now find myself wondering why it took me so long to consider this possibility.  I have friends who home school and I have always shunned the idea as something impossible for me, or our family.  I wish I would have been more open to this in the past...as it may have saved a LOT of tears.

1 comment:

  1. Our daughter was the EXACT same way - she begged us to homeschool her in third grade, saying she would rather be dead than go to school every day (and she meant it).

    We're on year 3 of homeschooling her (year 2 with the rest of the fam, who saw all the fun we were having and wanted to get in on it :) ) and it's such a huge, huge blessing for all of us.

    Enjoy the journey! :)
