Monday, August 27, 2012

Fresh Start

Ahhhh. The refreshing summer breeze makes me smile. I am thankful for the sunshine and even more so, today, for the much-needed rain. It made for the perfect day to kick off our new homeschool year!

The children decided that, in lieu of a new outfit to commemorate the first day of school, they each wanted a new pair of pajamas! What a fun idea for "back to school" pictures! Definitely a benefit in home education (in my humble opinion)! ;)

In an effort to begin the year organized, I have created schedules for each day with weekly schedules printed out for each child. We won't live & die by these, but they were necessary for me to visually see what our days will look like.

We are starting from scratch this year. With four children now being educated within our walls and using all new (to us) curriculum, it's sure to be quite an adventure! We were not satisfied with our overall experience using LIFEPAC last year as the children bored quickly and lost interest in continuing their studies. Our new curricula is listed below.

In an effort to allow my sweet I more independence and the computer-based program she desired, we opted to use Switched-On Schoolhouse for her. She is very excited for 6th grade!

All 3 littles are using Sonlight this year. I am excited and nervous about it as I love the concept but fear the time commitment with 3 children using the program. M (2nd grade) and L (K/1st grade) will both be using Core B as their foundation (Bible, History/Geography, Science) with grade level Language Arts and Horizons Math. It is my hope that things will go smoothly with these 2 doing much of their work together.

C will be using the Sonlight Pre-Kindergarten package...and she couldn't be more excited!

Our first day starting out in our new routine went pretty well overall. There are some adjustments that will need to be made to our daily schedule as we find our groove and learn just how this new curriculum is going to flow for us, but all in all I'd say Day 1 has been a success. Looking forward to Day 2!

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