It has been a long time coming. For years we struggled with the way our eldest daughter was being lost in the public school system. We've fought & fought to obtain for her the services she's entitled to. For 3 years we've battled bullies on the bus & in the classroom...NONE of whom were EVER reprimanded for their behavior. Enough is enough!
The reality is, although perfectly acceptable for many children, the school district we live in FAILED our daughter...and because of such, she will NOT be returning to their care. Effective immediately we are homeschooling both of our girls (ages 10 & 6)!
We did not come to this decision lightly, or easily. We spent months praying about it & researching ALL our options. I honestly thought there was NO way I could do this. Thankfully God places people in your life for His purpose, and I had some very real discussions with people I know that live this lifestyle (it really is a lifestyle more than just a location of education). The information, guidance & encouragement I received helped us feel comfortable in this decision. I am so thankful to have "the peace of God, which transcends all understanding" (Philippians 4:7) in regards to this decision. There have been MANY to criticize & condemn our decision...but we know that this is the right decision for our family. It may not be right for yours, but it is for ours...for the health, safety & well-being of OUR children.
Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it. ~Proverbs 22:6
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